My thumb’s fine now and so I’ve been back to painting.
Here’s Crowe and the Tech Marine I started a while back.

Still lots to do and Crowe could use a little more polish. That mandolin really forked my deadline!
Shawn G (SoI)
I’ve been caught in holiday/family madness and have been behind on my updates. Sorry ’bout that.
Anyway I’ve decided to break this project down into similar parts so I can get them done in bunches. I have till the end of Jan to get this project complete and that should be plenty of time.
Here’s the first section complete:
Next section will be 10 Power Sword Marines and a Character. Goal is to get them done by Next Friday.
Shawn G. (SoI)
My first commission project goes to my Pal Dave. I’ve done work for him previously (Dreadnought & Orc Mega Dread) but this will be my first major project that’s not my own.
Dave wanted them done in a Red/Bone scheme a la Menoth from Warmachine. It’s not a large project so I should get them done long before the end of January 2012 deadline.
Here’s template I’ll be taking to Dave for feedback.
Shawn G. (SoI)
I finished this squad before Thanksgiving but never posted the pics for it. All and all the squad came out looking pretty good, though I never want to paint yellow again…
I brought them to the store for delivery and there happened to be a terrain piece featuring a downed IF speeder built and painted by the owner of this squad. The bases don’t match up but the squad looks pretty damn sweet sitting in that terrain.
Next up are some commissioned Grey Knights for my pal Dave.
Shawn G. (SoI)
So I’ve decided to break into commission painting to fund my hobby addiction. I’m going to keep my commissions local for now so I don’t bite off more then I can chew.
The first project is a unit of 10 Imperial Fists. I hate this chapter with a passion and yellow is such a HUGE pain to get looking right, but I’ve been holding onto this unit for my pal Mike for almost a year now so he’s due.
The sergeant’s banner is my first attempt at free hand. It’s not a strong point for me, but I know I have the brush control so it’s time I get some practice in.
My next project will be a Grey Knight army for another friend Dave. I’ll post more on them after I get these bastards done.
Shawn G. (SoI)