Thokt Necron Project – Tomb Blade & Destroyer Lord

Here are 2 additional models I’ve done for this project.

Tomb Blade
Tomb Blade

Tomb Blade

First, the Tomb Blade kit is a bit of a pain to put together. The crescent body requires 3 clamps to hold it together while gluing as the frames have warped somewhat on the sprue. This equates to about one body every hour, as I only own 3 clamps. I’ll pick up some extra clamps and finish building the unit this week.

Assembly aside, I like the way it turned out. When my thin acrylic rod arrives from Amazon, I’ll make some custom bases for the unit.

Necron Destroyer Lord
Necron Destroyer Lord
Necron Destroyer Lord
Necron Destroyer Lord

Necron Destroyer Lord

A Destroyer Lord. I have no idea when I’ll use this guy as I’ve come to love Crypteks way too much in game, but it just didn’t feel right not having one in a Necron army.

He’s a kit-bash from the Command Barge, Triarch Praetorian, and Destroyer kits. I used the wrist mounted Res-Orb design again and mounted him on one of my 40x60mm bases.

I’ll tell you what, I am so damn happy I made those bases for myself. Having a wide variety of base designs has really improved the look of this army.

Shawn G.

Necron Thokt Project – I need your opinions!

So I’ve been trying to conceptualize my display tray for this Thokt project. After finishing that badass crystal formation on the Triarch Stalker base, I’ve had a mind to make it flat yet rocky.

Here are my questions

1. Should I stick to this crystal style?

Crystal Formations

Or should I branch out to other crystal formations? I’m thinking no as it would make the terrain around the army look too chaotic. The geometric fluorite crystals and the spire-like quartz crystals don’t match in my mind.

2. Since there are only two fluorite crystal formations available from Armorcast, the largest of the pair was used for the stalker; I can’t spam the same pair of rocks all over my display. I’ve been trying to find a viable alternative ‘stone’ to fill in the space. That said, what is your opinion on this base?

Base Concept

Base Concept

Here it is again next to the fluorite structure. I’m thinking this could work but additional eyes are always helpful.

3. I was brainstorming on additional detail I could add to the display and came up with this:

Base Concept

This is just a small fissure to see how the colors would interact. I would be scaling this up for the display. While it’s not bad, I don’t think it works. What do you guys/gals think?

4. Lastly, I’ve built the three Spiders I intend to include in my display. I made a trio of 60mm bases to mount them on, but there’s a problem;

Canoptek Spider WiP

Their Canoptek asses hang off the back!

I’ve been debating on basing them on a 60x100mm round. Since the spiders are packaged with flying bases (not a fan), I figure I can base them on anything I want as long as it’s not smaller.

Canoptek Spider WiP

Canoptek Spider WiP

I think it looks good! Since the spiders are oblong, this base style fits them perfectly. What’s the consensus?

Let me know what you all think! Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thokt Necron Project – Triarch Stalker & Canoptek Prawn

I’ve been working on this project, but lax in my content posting. Sorry about that people!

So the new kits have been out for 2 weeks now and man are they awesome! I’ve been having a blast with these new models while I try to pin down what I want to bring to NOVA (That’s right, I’m going this year!)

Here’s part 1 of the new stuff!

Canoptek Wraiths

The new wraith kit is amazing. Not only do these new models look good, they aren’t that hard to build. My only complaint is they kind of look like giant robotic prawn. They will be a joy to paint when I complete the unit.

Triarch Stalker
Triarch Stalker
Triarch Stalker

Triarch Stalker

And then we have this beauty. The Stalker is hands down my favorite kit out of the necron line so far. Mike suggested I mount it on a 150mm round base from Dragon Forge, and it was a brilliant suggestion. I added a resin fluorite mound from Armorcast and painted it in my army colors.

I’ll likely be getting another of these this weekend…

That’s all I have for now. The WIPs of the Spiders and Tomb Blades will be posted shortly.

Shawn G. (SoI)

Been Busy as Hell!

Sorry for the lack of content people. I’ve been a tad swamped. After Adepticon I had a 7 page essay to write and other crap to do. But things have calmed down and I have time again.

First up I’d like to introduce a good friend of mine who will be posting content to Glaven. Mike is to kit building, terrain, and basing as I am to painting. Here’s one of his recent works:

Rock of Aegis

That’s your queue Chew…

Secondly, I’ve gotten at least 1 of all the new Necron kits and they are awesome! Pics forthcoming.

And lastly, I’m trying to figure out if I intend to go to Armies on Parade at GD this year. I didn’t compete last year with my Tomb Kings and missed out. With the changes to my local hobby shop on the horizon, I think I may pass this year as well and focus on preping my ‘Crons for Nova. Decisions and details as soon as I make my mind up.

That’s all I have for now. Stay Tuned.

Shawn G. (SoI)

Thokt Necron Project – New Cryptek & Overlord WiP’s

I had a build-a-thon with some friends this weekend and here’s what I made:

Cryptek WiPs

Cryptek WiPs

I’m really fond of this Cryptek design, I can’t wait to see them painted.

Overlord WiP

I also hammered out a new Overlord to replace the resin one that broke. I like this style even more then the first. While I enjoy painting Res Orbs, the concept of physically carrying them around on the battlefield did not work for me. I spotted this design on CMoN (Cool Mini or Not) last week and had to steal it. A wrist mounted Res Orb, made from a whittled down voidblade, is much more functional for swinging around a Warscythe.

I’m going to start on the Stalker this week. Shouldn’t be hard to finish.

Shawn G. (SoI)

Thokt Necron Project – Immortals, Deathmarks, Overlord, and Destroyer

Here’s some more Thokt goodies I’ve finished this week. I have to say I grow fonder of this paint scheme with each mini finished.

Necron Immortals

First up, I’ve finished 8 more immortals. That’s 12 done out of the 32 I have built. Not bad, but still quite a bit to do.

Necron Deathmarks

Next up I finished the Deathmark unit I started a while back. They not only look good finished, but these bastards really can pack a punch on the tabletop. That is before they are blasted off of the table by returning fire…

Necron Overlord

Necron Overlord

Next the Overlord I was picking at. After several weeks looking at him I thing I’ll be leaving the rusted color on him to add a serious distinction between him and the standard foot troops. The warm colors of the rust really stand out as a nice contrast.

Necron Heavy Destroyer

Necron Heavy Destroyer

Finally here’s a Heavy Destroyer conversion I’ve had sitting around for the about a month. I really was not to fond of how the tesla cannon (A. Barge kit) looked attached to the destroyer chassis. Friends at the store I frequent liked it and told me it would come together after it was painted, and I’d be damned if they weren’t right! I love the look of this thing!

That’s all for now. I need to build some more Crypteks. Can’t have enough of those! I’ll also fashion a new Overlord from the A-Barge/Praetorian kits. The Finecast one I had broke last weekend. (>_<) I won’t be making anymore Finecast purchases. More to come as I progress. Shawn G. (SoI)

Thokt Necron Project – Scarabs, Menhir, and Doomsday Ark


Sorry for my silence lately. A combination of work and school over the last few weeks has cut into my hobby time. Here’s what I’ve been picking busy with.

Necron Doomsday Ark
Necron Doomsday Ark

Necron Doomsday Ark

First, I finally finished my Doomsday Ark. I really like this kit. I thing it’s the largest 40k model I’ve ever worked on and next to the Tomb Stalker the most complex. That said, this will likely be the last Ark I work on for a LONG while.

Necron Menhirs

Next, I’ve been replicating my Tomb Spider replacements. They look good as a collective. I will probably end up keeping them unless GW releases a multiple model PLASTIC kit. A nice multi-model plastic kit that makes Spiders or Wraiths would be damn sweet. Screw Finecast. Seriously…

Necron Scarabs

Necron Scarabs WiPs

Finally I’ve been cranking out scarabs like mad. The initial batch looks good painted. 5 down, 35 to go…

I’ll be focusing on my troops for a while. It’s best to get the irritating repetitive stuff out of the way so you can enjoy the single sexy units.

I’ll post more as I progress.
Shawn G. (SoI)

Thokt Necron Project – Build-a-thon WiPs

So the 2 weeks last week was consumed with me saving the galaxy from the Reapers. Damn it I love ME…

With that out of the way, I’ve knuckled down and built all my troops (for the most part) so I can start to crank out my infantry. I also want to actually try the army out and let my friend Dave destroy me with his GK. It’s a damn strange thing to watch your army fight another of your armies…

Here’s what I’ve been busy with:

Primed Warriors

I’m not a fan of the warrior kit, but I picked up a few boxes to get some scarabs. May as well paint a squad.

Tesla Immortals

Tesla Immortals. F-Yeah!


The Overlord kit is nice, but I really wish they made this out of plastic. It screams “I’m going to break and piss you off nicely in the not so distant future.”

Cryptek WiP

Cryptek WiP

I’m also trying out a new design for my Crypteks. Slightly larger, but it looks really good.

I’ll have some paint work to post this week as well.

Stay tuned!

Shawn G. (SoI)

Thokt Necron Project – Menhir and Forgeworld Tomb Stalker.

Some may be familiar with this design from my Tomb Kings army. I picked up another Hirst mold (#91) and I’m considering using this make-up for my spiders. While I like the look, I’m not quite sold on the idea. The base turned out awesome though!

Necron Menhir

Necron Menhir

I call them menhir and my design concept is they are conduit points where scarabs can be teleported in from some pocket dimension or buried tomb world. I’m still knocking around the idea of using scarabs or a mass of some other geo-shape to represent them. Not quite sure.

I have to resend my previous statement about the Ghost/Doomsday Ark being the most diabolical kit I ever had to build. This bastard takes the cake…

Tomb Stalker
Tomb Stalker

Tomb Stalker

So much design thinking had to go into building this thing. I first had to build the base keeping how the stalker was going to snake through it in mind. I then had to build the stalker section-by-section, then leg-by-leg, constantly repositioning it on the base to make sure it looked right.

It’s awesome, but hateful. So. Very. Hateful.

Do you want to know what the really sad part is? I have another one to build…


Shawn G. (SoI)