Dark Angel Commission – Vet Contemptor Dread Done

Vet ContemptorVet ContemptorVet ContemptorVet ContemptorVet Contemptor

The first major component of my Dark Angel commission for Dave is done. Since I had no experience painting DA let alone Deathwing models, I had to turn to the internet for guidance. And I have to say, I like the results.

Moving forward I’ll have to make some modifications to this method to match my visual requirements. I’m not too happy with the results of the oil-washes. I will need some more practice to get it to behave as it should.

Time to hammer out some bikers!

Shawn G. (SoI)

Dreadnought Feeva! – Dark Vengence Hellbrute

I’ve come to the realization that painting dreads is pretty damn fun. Most have just enough detail to be interesting without being excessive.

The new Dark Vengeance starter box is chocked full of amazing chaos models and I’ve been trying to hammer out a scheme. After a failed attempt using whites, I came across this masterpiece – Star Forge Smith’s Hellbrute

That thing is the best Hellbrute I’ve seen so far. It inspired me so much; I had to try to replicate it. This is my take on that brilliant piece:

Chaos HellbruteChaos HellbruteChaos Hellbrute

Back when GW had the terracotta and tanned flesh paints, I developed a flesh tone technique that I’ve grown very fond of. Those 2 colors were some of the best shades GW ever released and I was very disappointed that they were discontinued. Vallejo produces excellent replacements so I’ve been able to develop it further.

All the flesh parts have been glossed to over emphasize the tech/organic nature of the Hellbrute, and gore was used for the exposed spine. I may add more gore to the fist, like from the original work, but that will be later. I’m even sure how to base this monster.

All-in-all, it was fun to work on it. I’ll pick at the other DV models while I work on my commissions.

Shawn G. (SoI)

Dark Angel Commission – First Rifleman Dread done

Rifleman Contemptor IRifleman Contemptor I
Rifleman Contemptor IRifleman Contemptor I

Here’s the first of the pair of riflemen contemptors I’m doing for Dave. I went ahead and knocked out one dread completely as I’m pretty unfamiliar with the Dark Angel scheme and wanted to build some experience since I’ll be doing so many for him soon.

I have to say the DA scheme is pretty boring. They don’t have any additional colors to add some contrast. That being the case I tried to add some visual interest by adding some red lenses here and there and some glowing sections on the abdomen and back furnace. I also did the base in lighter colors to add a little contrast.

Not bad. Four more to go.

Shawn G.

Dark Angel Commission – Yo Dawg, I heard you like Dreads…

Sorry for my lack of content lately. After getting back from the NOVA Open, I went 5/3 for the weekend (100th place), I’ve been trying to figure out what I want to do next. Since I don’t have anything pinned down yet, I’m filling my time with commission work.

My first commission is for 5 Dreads for my pal Dave G. He wants to finish out his Dark Angel army not that a new rulebook is en route.

Here they are:

  • 1 pair of Riflemen Contemptors
  • 1 pair Chaplain Dreadnoughts
  • 1 Veteran Contemptor

Riflemen Contemptors WIPChaplain Dread WIPVet Contemptor WiP

The three Contemptor pattern dreads were built by resident assembly Swami Michael F. (Chewie) for Dave, while the chaplain dreads were built and magnetized by me last year.

I’ll be doing the Vet Contemptor last as Dave wants him done in 1st company (Deathwing) bone white. God help me…

Shawn G. (SoI)

Thokt Necron Project – Finished! We are go for the NOVA Open!

Well, I’ve finished all I intend to bring to NOVA, and with 2 days to spare!

Night ScytheNight Scythe

I finished my second Night Scythe last night. I was a little surprised at how quick I was able to hammer this kit out. It inspires me to field some more, though I can’t say that about the Ghost Ark… That kit is pure madness!

Annihilation Barge Mk2Annihilation Barge Mk2

While on the topic of vehicles, I forgot to post this last week. I finished another Annihilation Barge while I was working on those last few warriors. Turned out well.

Whip Coil WraithsWhip Coil Wraiths

Next up are the last 2 models I needed to finish for NOVA. I’ll be using these beauties to represent whip coil wraiths. I may have overdone it a little with the colors on the back of their hoods, but finished is finished.

Re-imagined Wraiths

Here’s a group shot of the whole unit. I now have a proper centerpiece for this army.

Thokt Display leftThokt Display CenterThokt Display Right

Last up are some additional shots of the army on its completed display. I’ve piss poor lighting in my basement so getting a good full shot is nigh impossible. It’s either that, or I have no idea how to use my camera correctly… (My wager is on the latter…)

I would take this over to the GW shop to get some good pics like I did last year for Blob’s Creek, but that shop is depressingly small with worse light then what I have at home. I’ll take them upstairs and see if I can get some good shots there.

Well, that’s it! I’m ready for NOVA and I’m getting pretty damn stoked.

Shawn G. (SoI)