Category Archives: Warriors of Chaos

Chaos Warhounds

Warhounds done!

I followed the hair color from the warhorse template model for the fur here. It came out very well.

I sculpted fur with greenstuff over the holes where the horns went because they were lame.

Snakes? Coming out of the side of their heads? That’s gh3y man…

Template Model
I need to paint that tounge...
One unit down!

Paint Theme Template!

Ok. I finally settled down on the template for this Slaanesh Warhost.

I started this theme for a Tzeentch army when the Chaos army book was released but I never got around to finalizing it. I already have a Demonic Tzeentch army so I decided change gods.

It took me a long while to settle down on the metal plate section for this scheme. I first wanted to do a lacquered white with a lavender hint to it but replicating that army wide was a path to damnation and madness. I went with the default pastel pink.

Rider to come…

Right Side
Right Side
Left Side
Left Side

Throgg & Lads

Got all my trolls bought and built. I decided to go with the new river trolls, as they are sexy as hell.

I wracked my brains over what to use for Throgg as GW is fond of releasing rules for models that don’t exist. After much deliberation over at GW Springfield, I settled on using the new Doombull from the recent Beastmen line.

Now I’m no Dave Taylor, but I can make this guy fit in. He’s suitably huge, armored, and wielding an axe as large as he is. A head swap, some scale sculpting, a few horns and he’ll do fine.

Throgg & Lads
Needs more work!

New Army Time!

The release of Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition is coming up fast! I didn’t want to get excited but it happened anyway.
I decided to give my Demons of Chaos and Vampire Counts armies a rest for the moment and start a paint project that’s been rolling around in my head for years. A Slaanesh themed Warriors of Chaos army!

Here’s the root of what I’m thinking about fielding:

Exalted Hero
Mark of Slaanesh, Battle Standard Bearer, Collar of Khorne, Shield

Marauder Horsemen x10
Mark of Slaanesh, flails, javelins, light armor, standard & musician
Marauder Horsemen x10
Mark of Slaanesh, flails, javelins, light armor, standard & musician
Chaos Hounds x5
Chaos Hounds x5
Chaos Trolls x5 (Throgg’s unit)
Chaos Trolls x6

Chaos Chariot x2
Dragon Ogres x4
Extra hand weapons

I have about 650 leftover points but I’m not sure what I want to play with. I’ll figure it out I guess.