I grinded on these bastards for about 11 hours between Wednesday and Thursday of last week to get them finished. And finally they are done and delivered to Dave. I’ve still 4 models to complete for him but this project is just about done.
Done at last!
When I get the last four done, should be next week sometime, I’ll take a few group shots of all the units together.
I’ve been caught in holiday/family madness and have been behind on my updates. Sorry ’bout that.
Anyway I’ve decided to break this project down into similar parts so I can get them done in bunches. I have till the end of Jan to get this project complete and that should be plenty of time.
Here’s the first section complete:
Psi-Cannon Marines
Next section will be 10 Power Sword Marines and a Character. Goal is to get them done by Next Friday.
My first commission project goes to my Pal Dave. I’ve done work for him previously (Dreadnought & Orc Mega Dread) but this will be my first major project that’s not my own.
Dave wanted them done in a Red/Bone scheme a la Menoth from Warmachine. It’s not a large project so I should get them done long before the end of January 2012 deadline.
Here’s template I’ll be taking to Dave for feedback.
So I’ve decided to break into commission painting to fund my hobby addiction. I’m going to keep my commissions local for now so I don’t bite off more then I can chew.
The first project is a unit of 10 Imperial Fists. I hate this chapter with a passion and yellow is such a HUGE pain to get looking right, but I’ve been holding onto this unit for my pal Mike for almost a year now so he’s due.
Blasted Dorn Spawn...
The sergeant’s banner is my first attempt at free hand. It’s not a strong point for me, but I know I have the brush control so it’s time I get some practice in.
My next project will be a Grey Knight army for another friend Dave. I’ll post more on them after I get these bastards done.
I’ve been busy as hell with work so I’ve been real slow on work for this army. Well, thinks have been settling down and here are a few things I’ve got stored up.
First up is a Tomb King I built right after the tourney at Blob’s. I wanted to try some new army builds so I needed a king with the appropriate parts. I used the axe from the Necro Knights kit but it needed to be converted some so it would fit onto a Tomb Guard body. The death mask also comes from the same kit. The shield comes via Scibor.
This guy was really easy to paint and I’m glad at how he turned out. I was worried the shield was going to be poor as the detail did not seem to strong, but it looks good! I’m especially fond of the ‘intent’ of this mini. There are some unsavory types on his lawn in dire need of immediate extirpation…
Next up is the sphinx from my display. The model is a limited run terrain piece sculpted by Chris Fitzpatrick. It came out around the same time the Tomb Kings army was first released and I bought it to eventually paint up for my personal army. I ended up selling the army but kept the sphinx because it was too damn cool to let go of.
I painted it up for my display using my army colors. It looks ok, but I’ll have to revisit it eventually as it is in need of detail work.
Lastly is this little beauty.
I have received tons of inquiries as to how I did the sandstone skin of my original Necrosphinx. I really want to share how I did it, but it needs an appropriate model so the technique translates correctly. There was no way that I would buy/repaint another sphinx just for a tutorial, so I’ll use this.
I’ll work on the tutorial over the weekend (hopefully).
So I got back home from Blob’s Park last night at 12:30am and I have to say that was THE most fun I’ve ever had with this hobby. I met a slew of incredible players, played 4 fun and intense games, and saw some of the most talented hobbyists I’ve ever come across. I’m so glad I kicked myself in the ass and went.
I more or less broke even for the event with 1 major/minor victories and 2 minor losses. I and I have to say that’s not too bad for my first competitive tourney with a non-optimized list. I have not been excited like this about this hobby in years and I can’t wait for my next tourney fix.
High Points of the Battle at Blob’s Park:
John Matthews – It was a real honor meeting him didn’t get to play him though. ☹
There was a painting competition at Blobs so I took my Necrosphinx and my Nurgle Demon Prince. Cool Mini or Not (CMoN) was supporting it for as minor Crystal Brush event with the top prize being a ticket to Adepticon but they backed out last minute. My sphinx took best large mini. The prize was a resin Elf on Great Eagle and The 7 Day Army Painter DVD both from CMoN.
I was the only TK player there, which kind of surprised me. I’m glad because it netted me best TK general for just showing up and a free Necrosphinx/Warsphinx kit. That prize was more expensive then the entry fee so I was in the green!
I also got a box of Kings of War elven archers just for showing up.
All-in-all I had a blast at Blob’s and I can’t wait for the next event. I’m already revising my list for optimization. My TK mojo has returned!
Shawn G. (Soi)
P.S. – Here are some more pics of the display I did for this event. (I’ll explain the Sphinx in a later post)
This blasted unit took me almost a week to complete. Every time I felt like I was making some progress, I’d look up and realize I had HOURS of work left. It was depressing at times.
Well the unit is done, and I’m relieved. I have mixed feelings on how it came out as I rushed the work somewhat, but again I’m glad it’s done.
Next up is completing the display. I’ll have that finished today so I’m on schedule to take pictures at my hobby shop.
Well I’ve been a busy bastard for the last several weeks. I decided to knuckle down ad get behind the Dark Eldar project I was developing since December.
I have not pinned down what I want to play with but it’s drifting towards an assault variant with fire support. I think I’ll run them like Daemons sans the random crap and the suckage.
The only real problem I’m having with this army is transporting it. I have nothing sensible to use to carry these vehicles and I have a SCORE of 40mm monsters that do not play well with the GW transport case. Looks like I’m going to have to invest in some Battle Foam.
I’m particularly happy at how the bases complement the paint scheme I choose. I wanted a simple textured dark base that would gel with the (mostly) monochromatic color palate. I recently made some 25mm bases for my infantry.
I can’t get around how good this model looks. Nurgle styled painting has been a Everest of mine for years. Finally I know the method to making something look disorderly and orderly at the same time!
All credit goes out to Les Bursley of AwesomePaintJob. I found a video of him painting a Ultraforge Great Plague Demon (now OOP) and it filled in all the gaps in my painting style that was preventing me from painting Nurgle units.
Thank you Les!
I will be sending him a personal thank you via Dakka shortly.
I’m still working on Bubba, but Hoss is done. Painting Achievement Unlocked!