Here’s a group shot of the right side of my army display. It took me forever to get one good pic at this distance. I really need to get better with my camera…
Just 3 models left till I’m done.
Shawn G.
So, the NOVA Open is a scant 8 days away and I’m still painting.
I finished the needed warriors for my list. With them ALL the infantry in intend to paint for this army are complete, at least for a while. Huge milestone passed.
I mentioned before that I’ve not been overly compelled to paint the wraiths. While I like the models, they are to damn fragile (the whip coils were designed foolishly). These are my redesigns for this Thokt project. I was worried that the models would not fit the scheme, but that is no longer the case.
Last Saturday I was looking at this project found a problem. As a whole the army looks good, but it was lacking something. It’s been bothering me for weeks now and finally I figured it out. The army has no centerpiece. Couldn’t have that now could I?
I have 2 whip coil designs that I should have finished shortly. They’ll be posted soon. Before NOVA I promise!
Shawn G. (SoI)
Sorry I’ve been so quiet people! I’ve been fairly busy these last few weeks and I’ve had little time to post.
I’ll be making that up today!
First is the final piece to my friend Dave’s commission; Inquisitor Karamazov. Years ago a good friend of mine Jeff painted this piece for his guard army. I hated that model then and I hate it still.
For clarification it’s not the model or it’s design I hate, it’s the excessive detail that gives me fits. This bastard has over 30 purity seals! Seriously?
Anyway, Dave knew that this model would give me fits and gave me all the time in the world to get him done. He then proceeded to use him on me in a game upon delivery. Jerk…
I received 2 additional units commissions from Dave, but they’ll have to wait a while, I’ve a Necron army to finish for NOVA! (More on this below)
After finishing Dave’s commission, I took a swing at the new scythe kit for the ‘Crons. I have to tell you, this was the EASIEST kit to put together. It’s like it was designed for the paint-then-assemble method that I use for this scheme.
And here’s the best part, the portal/Doom gun fit snugly in place with no need for magnets. So sweet.
Now if only those bases I ordered from Dragon Forge last night would arrive today so I can finish his base…
Finally, it’s time I stopped mucking around and geared up for NOVA. With my local hobby shop closed, I’m going to focus on getting this army and it’s display finished for NOVA.
Here’s a pic on what I’m bringing:
I’ll expand on this in a later post today.
Shawn G. (SoI)
It seems like, in the two weeks since the new Space Marine Stormtalon has come out, everybody’s got a conversion; whether that be an attack helicoptor, mechanised walker, or just a kitbash to make it look slightly less goofy.
After recently finishing the Forge World Stormeagle, which is in and of itself a phenomenal kit, I found myself in possession of a whole box worth of leftover Stormraven bits with which to repurpose the Stormtalon.
It didn’t take long to realize that the single biggest problem was the overall length, or lack thereof, of the Stormtalon’s fuselage. The tail boom was far too short and wound up giving the box-standard build a very compressed, almost cartoonish appearance.
I can only imagine that this was as a result of aesthetic limitations, rather than technical ones, since both the Ork Bommer and Necron Doomscythe are satisfyingly massive. Matters weren’t helped by the conspicuously underslung assault cannon turret and the weapon pods to either side. It would require a trip to the drawing board, for sure!
The first order of business was to tighten up the profile. Although the overall appearance is of a gunship, the Stormtalon is indisputably written as a dogfighter and it desperately needed to look more agile. This was accomplished by cutting down the turret and slinging the assault cannons directly under the chin, whilst simultaneously swapping the position of the wings, now canards, and missile pods.
In retrospect, I don’t think that swapping those components was strictly necessary, but it I’m satisfied with the outcome. If I had it to do over again, I may have tried to omit the wings, entirely, but the molded-on hardpoints on either side of the cockpit would then need to be cut down and smoothed over, instead.
The biggest change is to the tail boom, which was cut down at the panel line and removed, entirely. In its place is almost the entire tail from the aforementioned, orphan Stormraven, with some slight modifications to fit. The shape of the tail isn’t an exact match and, unfortunately, does give the appearance of having come from a significantly larger aircraft – but, on the whole, I’d say that it gives the Stormtalon just the right amount of displacement. If I had it to do over again, I’d probably spend more time trying to tie it more cleanly into the fuselage.
Also worth pointing out are the landing gear, originally integrated into the turret housing, now give the appearance of extending directly from the fuselage. I think this tends to be a bit more believable, since from an engineering perspective you’d want them tied in directly to the airframe. Having them come off the turret just seems silly, since it would effectively be supporting the weight of the entire aircraft when it’s on the ground – and, for that matter, how would it land after suffering a Weapon Destroyed result?
It’s fair to say that it’s the weakest of all three new flyers, this month, but that being said, I’m pretty pleased with the Stormtalon. Aesthetic considerations aside, t’s a well-engineered kit that fits together well out of the box. The studio has clearly learned a number of valuable lessons from its predecessors, the Valkyrie, Stormraven and Razorwing and has incorporated these lessons into the sprue.
I had a build-a-thon with some friends this weekend and here’s what I made:
I’m really fond of this Cryptek design, I can’t wait to see them painted.
I also hammered out a new Overlord to replace the resin one that broke. I like this style even more then the first. While I enjoy painting Res Orbs, the concept of physically carrying them around on the battlefield did not work for me. I spotted this design on CMoN (Cool Mini or Not) last week and had to steal it. A wrist mounted Res Orb, made from a whittled down voidblade, is much more functional for swinging around a Warscythe.
I’m going to start on the Stalker this week. Shouldn’t be hard to finish.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Here’s some more Thokt goodies I’ve finished this week. I have to say I grow fonder of this paint scheme with each mini finished.
First up, I’ve finished 8 more immortals. That’s 12 done out of the 32 I have built. Not bad, but still quite a bit to do.
Next up I finished the Deathmark unit I started a while back. They not only look good finished, but these bastards really can pack a punch on the tabletop. That is before they are blasted off of the table by returning fire…
Next the Overlord I was picking at. After several weeks looking at him I thing I’ll be leaving the rusted color on him to add a serious distinction between him and the standard foot troops. The warm colors of the rust really stand out as a nice contrast.
Finally here’s a Heavy Destroyer conversion I’ve had sitting around for the about a month. I really was not to fond of how the tesla cannon (A. Barge kit) looked attached to the destroyer chassis. Friends at the store I frequent liked it and told me it would come together after it was painted, and I’d be damned if they weren’t right! I love the look of this thing!
That’s all for now. I need to build some more Crypteks. Can’t have enough of those! I’ll also fashion a new Overlord from the A-Barge/Praetorian kits. The Finecast one I had broke last weekend. (>_<) I won’t be making anymore Finecast purchases. More to come as I progress. Shawn G. (SoI)
Sorry for my silence lately. A combination of work and school over the last few weeks has cut into my hobby time. Here’s what I’ve been picking busy with.
First, I finally finished my Doomsday Ark. I really like this kit. I thing it’s the largest 40k model I’ve ever worked on and next to the Tomb Stalker the most complex. That said, this will likely be the last Ark I work on for a LONG while.
Next, I’ve been replicating my Tomb Spider replacements. They look good as a collective. I will probably end up keeping them unless GW releases a multiple model PLASTIC kit. A nice multi-model plastic kit that makes Spiders or Wraiths would be damn sweet. Screw Finecast. Seriously…
Finally I’ve been cranking out scarabs like mad. The initial batch looks good painted. 5 down, 35 to go…
I’ll be focusing on my troops for a while. It’s best to get the irritating repetitive stuff out of the way so you can enjoy the single sexy units.
I’ll post more as I progress.
Shawn G. (SoI)
So the 2 weeks last week was consumed with me saving the galaxy from the Reapers. Damn it I love ME…
With that out of the way, I’ve knuckled down and built all my troops (for the most part) so I can start to crank out my infantry. I also want to actually try the army out and let my friend Dave destroy me with his GK. It’s a damn strange thing to watch your army fight another of your armies…
Here’s what I’ve been busy with:
I’m not a fan of the warrior kit, but I picked up a few boxes to get some scarabs. May as well paint a squad.
Tesla Immortals. F-Yeah!
The Overlord kit is nice, but I really wish they made this out of plastic. It screams “I’m going to break and piss you off nicely in the not so distant future.”
I’m also trying out a new design for my Crypteks. Slightly larger, but it looks really good.
I’ll have some paint work to post this week as well.
Stay tuned!
Shawn G. (SoI)
I’ve been pretty damn busy these last few days with little time for this project. Here’s some WiP’s of what I have been working on.
Here’s a template for a Deathmark unit. Looks pretty good!
I really liked the nmm Brass I did for the C’Tan, and I wanted to bring that into my cadre for this army. The brass adds a little royalty to the big wigs without taking too much from the cold sterile look I like in this scheme.
I’ll say this now, the Necron Ark kit is the most diabolical kit I have ever had to do. This scheme forces me to paint then assemble so the more parts, the longer it takes to finish. The D-Ark has 35 pieces to paint prior to assembly (painting my way). The G-Ark would have another 20+ pieces to do. Needless to say, I’ll probably won’t be doing many of these kits…
Shawn G. (SoI)