This model was a marathon of painting. Every time I finished a section/part I found 10 more points of detail that needed attention. Towards the end I found myself not giving three damns about several detail locations and how they looked as I just wanted to get this bastard done and off of my plate.
I originally based this guy on a 50mm square for fantasy but he just didn’t fit in. As I’m painting this army for 40K/Fantasy I picked up some rounds from Dragon Forge and he looks at home.
My content posting has slowed down somewhat over the last few weeks but it has not been due to laziness. Well not entirely at least…
Here are 2 of the big baddies I’ve been working on for my demonic horde. I’ll have better pictures when they are done. My wife annexed the lamp I was going to use for extra lighting. I’ll need to get another one.
I’m also finishing up my old school horror unit (30 deep) and I have a unit of bloodletters that I must complete that I’m dreading (also 30 deep). I hate painting them! They never come out the way I want!
I’ve been a busy bastard lately. I looked at all the armies I own and realized that I have not had a completely painted army since ’04. Heresy! With this fact in mind I decided to focus on getting the one army that I have had sitting around 80% for years now complete; my Tzeentch Demonic Horde. I’ll post more on that later.
This conversion(?) came together while in Michaels. I had been looking for a suitable disk for the scribes for some time and found the perfect example in a cheap metal pendant in their beads aisle. The tome comes from the Covenant of Menoth, with some extra terrain bits I had kicking about.
I was going to add a slew of scrolls and crap around the disk as arcane clutter but changed my mind in the end. I felt it would be too distracting. I’m not finished with this piece. I still have to add the text into the tome as my Prima art pens have yet to arrive. I’ll then flat coat (Krylon Crystal Clear Flat) the model and pick out the gems in gloss varnish. The base comes from Dragon Forge’s Temple line. Thanks again Jeff. Love your work.
I tried to complete this for a Tournament at last Friday’s Vets night and I almost pulled it off. The model was well received but I placed poorly. Really poorly…
I was in my local GW shop and discovered that the Bloodcrushers that came in the black-box a few weeks back had not been painted. After chatting with the manager I was told that it was unlikely that they ever would be painted due to the staff having to crank out several units for the Isle of Blood box set.
Anyway, it took me a while to get these bastards done. The weather here in N. VA has been atrocious so getting them primed took forever. I based them with a lava theme (using cork sheets) the same as the Demon Prince.
I both hate and love these models; the Juggernauts were a joy to paint. I have not worked with metals in a very long time (years I think), and the patinaed bronze look was a real joy. The Bloodletters on the other hand I hate. For some reason I can never get these models to look the way I want. This fact has plagued me for years and that is why I never fielded them. I just can’t stand the red skin look people tend to gravitate toward but other skin tones don’t look right either.
Since I was on a limited schedule I could not take the time I normally would to plot out every section of the piece. I’m proud of it, but I think I went in to many directions color-wise. I like to keep my palate limited. The NMM bronze did not come out fully to my liking either but I’ve yet to master that technique. If I could go back in time I would do the sword in a lava theme to tie the Prince to the base.
All nitpicking aside, I really had a blast painting this mini for my hobby shop. GW has outdone itself with this new kit.
So my local GW shop got a black box in Friday containing the new plastic Bloodcrushers, Pleasure Seekers, and Demon Prince!
I volunteered, begged to be truthful, for Bing to allow me to paint one of them and he handed me the Demon Prince. This model will be a modeler’s dream come true. So much detail!
I’ll he’ll be dedicated to one of the Four, but I don’t know which one…
So excited! Is my geek showing?
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