Well, he’s done. I’m very satisfied at how he came out.
I have not attempted light sourcing in years and this didn’t come out too bad. I’ll need to refine the technique some but it is rather fun to do.
With Arkhan complete, I believe I can call my Tomb King Army finished. I still have some units to finish off but with 7 characters and 12 units complete, I can proudly say this is the largest army I have ever done.
Feels good.
Shawn G. (SoI)
PS – I painted this model months ago and never took any pictures.
This blasted unit took me almost a week to complete. Every time I felt like I was making some progress, I’d look up and realize I had HOURS of work left. It was depressing at times.
Well the unit is done, and I’m relieved. I have mixed feelings on how it came out as I rushed the work somewhat, but again I’m glad it’s done.
Next up is completing the display. I’ll have that finished today so I’m on schedule to take pictures at my hobby shop.
Here’s the first of my Archons. I painted this guy back in April for a painting competition. I was quite pleased at how well the agonizer came out. The cloak, not so much…
I have another in production that will be carrying a blaster.
Kabalite Warrior Squad I
Kabalite Warrior Squad II
Next are my first two completed warrior squads. Unfortunately the warrior kit only comes with 1 blaster and I need multiple so I’ll just use shredders as fill-ins.
I’ve been taking advantage of the insanely beautiful weather Irene left behind to prime some units/vehicles. I have a raider, venom, hellion pack (beastmasters), and haemonculus on the table for completion.
Well I’ve been a busy bastard for the last several weeks. I decided to knuckle down ad get behind the Dark Eldar project I was developing since December.
I have not pinned down what I want to play with but it’s drifting towards an assault variant with fire support. I think I’ll run them like Daemons sans the random crap and the suckage.
The only real problem I’m having with this army is transporting it. I have nothing sensible to use to carry these vehicles and I have a SCORE of 40mm monsters that do not play well with the GW transport case. Looks like I’m going to have to invest in some Battle Foam.
I’m particularly happy at how the bases complement the paint scheme I choose. I wanted a simple textured dark base that would gel with the (mostly) monochromatic color palate. I recently made some 25mm bases for my infantry.
Well I’ve started work on some of the new Finecast models GW has released. To be honest my opinion is mixed.
First up is the new Liche Priest. I don’t really know why, but I like this model. Painting him was a breeze, but the sculpt has some muddy detail in some locations. The cloth was pretty ratty and some of the metal collar detail was poor. I’m glad I chose a simple paint scheme for this army, as it would take serious work to get this painted to a higher standard IMO.
The new Ushabti are damn cool, but GW was very lazy making them all the same body. They also suffer from thin spots that will break if mishandled. I’m also not seeing this extra detail that’s supposed to be with these new sculpts that does not exist in the metal/plastic forms. They do glue together with delicious ease.
I painted up the champion first and it came together pretty well.
I do have one problem I don’t have an easy solution for: the lack of command for this unit. I really don’t know what to do about it. I imagine I can make a standard bearer conversion that should look ok, but the musician is eluding me. My current idea is to create a unit filler for the front rank using the large obelisk from the Scibor terrain I have and just inform my opponent of what they represent. The filler would serve nicely until GW decides to release a kit, though I don’t think that would be acceptable in a tournament.
I got a good deal for this model on Amazon and it arrived Saturday morning. I didn’t have enough time to work with him that day but I managed to get him assembled and primed by Sunday evening.
I was a little worried that the scheme I’ve chosen for this army would not translate into the older units in this line but it worked. I’m quite pleased. It barely took a day to complete.
So the OS on my PC died Sunday for the 2nd time. I think the hard drive had a bad sector, which was causing it to fail repeatedly. Got a new drive and recovered from backup (I love you Timemachine) and I’m watching to see if anything funny happens…
That aside, I’ve finished my chariot unit. I added some different parts from other kits to add some diversity to the unit. They ended up looking pretty good. Glad to get them off my table.
I’ve also finished a unit filler for my archer unit. It comes from Scibor’s Egyptian terrain line. I like it, but I wonder if it’s out of place with the other unit fillers I’ve done.
I found some resin models from the Uncharted Seas game called Water Behemoths that I picked up an my local hobby shop a few months back. I got the idea to cover them with sand on a 3/5 inch disks and use them as templates. They ended up looking better then I thought they would!
I’m trying to pin down what I want to paint next. I’m thinking about a couple of catapults or a bone giant. I really don’t know what I want to do next.
I’ve finally started on my chariot unit. The weather lately has been completely horrible for priming with either rain or massive humidity. Yesterday I took a chance and decided to prime them even though it was humid as hell. I broke my own rule, NEVER PRIME ON HUMID DAYS! Some sections of a few chariots look like they’ve been sprayed in fine black sand. I was SO pissed at myself as that stuff murders any chance at detail work.
Here are the first two. The crew will be done when this weather clears up.
It’s been a busy few days but I’ve gotten some work done. First up are two completed characters for my army.
Now to be honest these are my least favorite characters that I’ve built and it appears that that fact showed up in my painting. Especially for the Priest. But they are done and all they need is a coat of varnish I can move on.
Next up are some WiP’s that I’ve been picking at. I’ve started to paint the tower. This bugger will take a few hours to get done but it will be a pretty addition to my scheme. Second is an Obelisk I bought from Armorcast YEARS ago. I think I bought this back in ’04 I believe when I was first painting this army. It’s been sitting around taking up space so I dug her up and now she’ll get some love. Cant wait to get started on it.
Last but not least I think I’ve got my Arkhan model pinned down. I like the look a lot but he needs some green stuff touch up. He will look really intimidating when complete.
That’s all I have for now. The weather here has been horrible. We’ve had 1 rain free day out of the last 9 and we have more rain predicted for most of this week. I may get a free day on Wednesday to get some priming done. We’ll see.