Here’s a group shot of the right side of my army display. It took me forever to get one good pic at this distance. I really need to get better with my camera…
Just 3 models left till I’m done.
Shawn G.
So, the NOVA Open is a scant 8 days away and I’m still painting.
I finished the needed warriors for my list. With them ALL the infantry in intend to paint for this army are complete, at least for a while. Huge milestone passed.
I mentioned before that I’ve not been overly compelled to paint the wraiths. While I like the models, they are to damn fragile (the whip coils were designed foolishly). These are my redesigns for this Thokt project. I was worried that the models would not fit the scheme, but that is no longer the case.
Last Saturday I was looking at this project found a problem. As a whole the army looks good, but it was lacking something. It’s been bothering me for weeks now and finally I figured it out. The army has no centerpiece. Couldn’t have that now could I?
I have 2 whip coil designs that I should have finished shortly. They’ll be posted soon. Before NOVA I promise!
Shawn G. (SoI)
Sorry people for my lack of content. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been in a bit of a rut and it’s been difficult to drum up motivation to paint anything. Well it’s seems like I’ve gotten over that hump and I’ve been cruising nicely. NOVA is only a few short weeks away and I need to get cracking if this project is to get done!
I’ve focused on getting all the small stuff done, and so far this week has been very productive! Here’s what I got done:
I finished the remaining Canoptek Spiders that have been rotting away on my desk for weeks now. The template model is in the middle.
I also knocked out 4 more scarab bases. That completes the necessary scarabs for my display, but I’ll likely hammer out a few more for completeness. Here’s the whole lot as I can’t distinguish the old ones from the new. Which is good I guess!
Since I’ve pinned down what I intend to bring to NOVA (More on that later…), I built and painted 2 additional Heavy Destroyers for this army. I even utilized a leftover Tesla Destructor to build a left-armed cannon. Not a fan of the Deathmark heads now that they are done, but oh well.
My NOVA list includes 2 small units of warriors so I built and painted a template model. I hate the glow rods that these guys come with so I gleaned some new ones from cannibalizing the new rod design out of the plethora of gauss blasters I have sitting around. I have to say, this guy looks good! 9 more to prime and paint!
Years ago, my wife got me a GW dice box for Christmas. I love that thing and I’ve wanted to use it for years, but it was cast in porcelain like resin. It would break my heart if that thing were to drop and shatter, so it’s sat on my mantle for over a decade. Finally I let my compulsive nature take control and made/painted a dice box for this army.
I molded that beauty up; man did it take a lot of rubber, and cast it in my own black resin. I then painted it in my army colors, magnetized, and varnished the ever-living-crap out of it. And before you ask, yes the dice match my army colors. I did mention I’m compulsive at times…
I’ll be tackling another Annihilation Barge this week while I work on cutting the base slots out of my display board. Cruising along nicely!
Shawn G. (SoI)
The preparation for NOVA continues.
First up, I knocked out 5 more immortals last week. Thins brings the needed model count down to 8. I used some Praetorian heads to represent sergeants for my squads. I know, I know; “Necrons don’t have sergeants!”. But I like it and it looks cool so shut up.
I’ve already started the last batch and plan to have them completed this week.
Next are my Cryptek redesigns. I opted to redesign my C’tek a while back, as I didn’t think they looked robust enough to be minor characters. I used the Praetorian/Liche Guard kit to make them look a little beefier, and I have to say I dig this design a lot more. I’m especially fond of the glowing orbs on their backs.
Lastly, I got my bases from Dragon Forge last week. I set them up as masters for my checker plate base design and casted the molds. I now can produce my own 150mm, 120mm, 100mm, and 80mm bases. Having a large variety of base layouts has been so useful!
I used a 120mm base to mount the flying stand for my scythe. I actually pinned the flying stand to the base as I didn’t trust glue to be strong enough on it’s own. The rock formations I made out of sculpey were really easy to cut with an X-acto so I got the look I was striving for.
I already said how much I love this kit, and I like it even more after it was painted. After adding the flying stand this model is likely now my favorite! It’s so damn sweet it gave me cavities. I must have more! And after the rules for flyers in 6th combined with the Necron FAQ, I’ll likely have at least 6 Scythe variants.
That’s all I gotz for now. More to come as I progress.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Ok, so I’ve pinned down (for the most part) what I intend to bring to NOVA 2012. I fully intended to go last year, but a combination of laziness and Hurricane Irene kept me from going. This year however I’m going come Hell or high water!
I’ve been juggling around whether or not to bring the Space Chicken (C’tan) but at the moment I’m going to leave him home. This may change however as I’m just not feeling driven to paint my wraiths (more on that later).
Here’s my preliminary NOVA ‘Crons:
Overlord w/ Command Barge
4 Crypteks
2 Triarch Stalkers
25 Tesla Immortals
9 Canoptek Scarabs
5 Tomb Blades
6 Canoptek Wraiths
2 Annialation Barges
3 Canoptek Spiders
Not to bad eh? The list has lots of variety that shows off the character of the model range.
What’s Painted:
3 Crypteks
1 Triarch Stalkers
12 Tesla Immortals (5 man squads)
5 Canoptek Scarabs
1 Tomb Blades
1 Annialation Barges
1 Canoptek Spiders
Still quite a bit to do. My first task will be to knock out all of the infantry as they are the most numerous. I’ll be focusing on the immortals and scarabs until they are done. On the topic of scarabs, I’ll likely be painting the remaining 19 to cover spider spawns.
More to come as I progress
Shawn G. (SoI)
Sorry I’ve been so quiet people! I’ve been fairly busy these last few weeks and I’ve had little time to post.
I’ll be making that up today!
First is the final piece to my friend Dave’s commission; Inquisitor Karamazov. Years ago a good friend of mine Jeff painted this piece for his guard army. I hated that model then and I hate it still.
For clarification it’s not the model or it’s design I hate, it’s the excessive detail that gives me fits. This bastard has over 30 purity seals! Seriously?
Anyway, Dave knew that this model would give me fits and gave me all the time in the world to get him done. He then proceeded to use him on me in a game upon delivery. Jerk…
I received 2 additional units commissions from Dave, but they’ll have to wait a while, I’ve a Necron army to finish for NOVA! (More on this below)
After finishing Dave’s commission, I took a swing at the new scythe kit for the ‘Crons. I have to tell you, this was the EASIEST kit to put together. It’s like it was designed for the paint-then-assemble method that I use for this scheme.
And here’s the best part, the portal/Doom gun fit snugly in place with no need for magnets. So sweet.
Now if only those bases I ordered from Dragon Forge last night would arrive today so I can finish his base…
Finally, it’s time I stopped mucking around and geared up for NOVA. With my local hobby shop closed, I’m going to focus on getting this army and it’s display finished for NOVA.
Here’s a pic on what I’m bringing:
I’ll expand on this in a later post today.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Here’s the first of 3 Spiders I own. I really like the 60x100mm base I decided to mount them on. It really suits them. At least it does to me.
I also made a tutorial on painting my Thokt theme using this mini. I will work on drafting a video on how I did my immortals Les Bursley (Awesome Paint Job) style.
Shawn G.
I have heard the masses crying out for a tutorial on how I painted my Necrons. Ask and ye shall receive! I just hope this makes sense…
First let’s talk primer. I started miniature painting about 14 years ago, and most of that time was using GW’s primer. At first GW’s line of primer and paints were varied and reasonably priced, but somewhere along the line they got this wild notion that they could charge whatever they wanted. So over the years I’ve watched their primer creep from $5 to $15.75 a can. What the hell is in it? Magic? My favorite part is how they claim their primer has been engineered to work with their line of paints. WTF?
I was brought to the light from a friend in a local Hobby Shop of the existence of an alternative and I’ve never looked back. Enter Krylon spray paints.
This stuff is amazing. Not only does it bind to both plastic and metal, but also it goes on flat. This is the most matte paint I have ever used, and it works perfectly for all my projects. It’s also $4 a can.
Here we have a spray paint that is both reasonably priced, durable as hell, and can be found almost EVERYWHERE. Did I mention it comes in 6 colors? And this is just scratching the surface of the products that Krylon produces. My Dark Eldar scheme uses their Fusion line.
Get this stuff.
Now that I’m done ranting let’s get down to business! I decided to use a Canoptek Spider for this tutorial so you can see the techniques I used on a larger canvas.
Step Zero – A nice even coat of primer. Make sure it’s not too humid outside so you don’t get that powered sand effect on your minis. I haven’t had that problem with the Krylon spray paints very often, but it can happen. Be carefull.
Step I – I targeted all the glowing bits; cables, eyes, orbs, and leg joints with VGC Magic Blue. You can also use Citadel Enchanted Blue (Caledor Sky) as alternative. Don’t’ worry about staying within the lines. We’ll clean up later.
Step II – 1/1 mix of VMC White and VGC Magic Blue. Don’t completely cover up the previous shade. Leave a little behind for depth.
Step III – 10/1 mix of VMC White and VGC Magic Blue. I’m guesstimating here on the ratio as I normally just eyeball it. Just put some white down on your palate and add a slight tip-full of the blue. The aim is for a very pale white-blue. Mostly white.
Step IV – Dheneb Stone for contrast. I use this color sparingly to break up the scheme. It usually takes 2-3 coats for full coverage over black. Make sure your paints are well diluted so you don’t lose detail.
Step V – Clean up phase. VMC Black was used to clean up my lines. I chose this black specifically because it is has a very matte finish, which syncs well with the flatness of the Krylon primer. You don’t have to use VMC paint here, but you will loose the effect if your paint is of a gloss or even satin finish.
Now for the step I assume everyone is looking for:
Step IV & VII – Edge highlights. VMC Sky Grey was painted onto all the hard edges of the model using the side, not the tip, of my brush. You’ll need a light touch to keep the line uniform but that’s it. Again, make sure your paints are well diluted so it goes on smoothly. You may need to apply two coats incase the line is not sharp. This technique is so easy you’ll kick yourself when you try it.
Step VIII – Highlight all the hard edges of the mini. The mandibles were a little finicky, but just focus on the edges. Clean up with black as needed. The inner ring under the back plate was highlighted using the brush tip. That’s a tricky spot so use a light hand and again, clean up with black as needed.
Step IX – Adding detail. I went back and added some more glowing blue effects on the spots I felt could use some detail. Just reapply steps I-III as needed.
Step X – Edge highlight using VMC Ivory on Dheneb plates. Line highlight were added to the edges of the detail on the abdomen as needed.
And there you have it! My Tkokt paint scheme.
I try to create a video for this scheme. I will try to emulate Les Bursley’s brilliant tutorial style if I can. I’ve never made a video tutorial before so give me a little time to make sure I get it right.
I hope you found this helpful. Please leave me feedback so I can polish this tutorial for when I move to video.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Here are 2 additional models I’ve done for this project.
First, the Tomb Blade kit is a bit of a pain to put together. The crescent body requires 3 clamps to hold it together while gluing as the frames have warped somewhat on the sprue. This equates to about one body every hour, as I only own 3 clamps. I’ll pick up some extra clamps and finish building the unit this week.
Assembly aside, I like the way it turned out. When my thin acrylic rod arrives from Amazon, I’ll make some custom bases for the unit.
A Destroyer Lord. I have no idea when I’ll use this guy as I’ve come to love Crypteks way too much in game, but it just didn’t feel right not having one in a Necron army.
He’s a kit-bash from the Command Barge, Triarch Praetorian, and Destroyer kits. I used the wrist mounted Res-Orb design again and mounted him on one of my 40x60mm bases.
I’ll tell you what, I am so damn happy I made those bases for myself. Having a wide variety of base designs has really improved the look of this army.
Shawn G.