Big Hoss Complete! – Forge World Nurgle Daemon Prince

Big Hoss
Big Hoss
Big Hoss
Big Hoss
Big Hoss
Big Hoss
Big Hoss
Big Hoss

Big Hoss

I can’t get around how good this model looks. Nurgle styled painting has been a Everest of mine for years. Finally I know the method to making something look disorderly and orderly at the same time!

All credit goes out to Les Bursley of AwesomePaintJob. I found a video of him painting a Ultraforge Great Plague Demon (now OOP) and it filled in all the gaps in my painting style that was preventing me from painting Nurgle units.

Thank you Les!

I will be sending him a personal thank you via Dakka shortly.

I’m still working on Bubba, but Hoss is done. Painting Achievement Unlocked!

Shawn G. (SoI)

5 thoughts on “Big Hoss Complete! – Forge World Nurgle Daemon Prince”

  1. So are you doing a Nurgle 40K army now? Good job BTW! Maybe the white tourniquet should be a lot more dirty and stained?! Seems a way too clean for a Great Unclean One…
    Everything else looks good.

  2. I was debating it for a short while. At first I bought him as something to test my painting ability. Since I was able to get it to look the way I wanted I bought 2 Blight Drones to paint.

    The truth is that I’m really sick of Daemons so that Nurgle project I was considering is not going to happen.

    As for the tabard I have 2 plans, to make it blood spattered or add nurgle’s symbol via decal. Haven’t figured out which yet.

    Shawn G.

  3. Naw…no decals son. Jeff & Brad hand paint all of their stuff. Got step yo’ game up! LoL.
    I would paint a “stained” cloth. All sorts of bodily fluids on that thing. Blood is not really a “Nurgle” thing. Darken the edges with some grey, and use some yellows/tans/browns for the middle of the cloth, tones/stains.

  4. That sounds good. I had no idea what to put there but I wanted it to be a point of focus. I’ll practice on some old banners till I get a look I can get behind. I’ll likely follow your suggestions.

    Shawn G.

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