Been stacking up minis for an update.
Love this mini. It had SO many little details to work on. Cetus (kitty) was really easy to do. I will say she was a right pain to get on the base though.
I’m continuing my trend on using some SP minis to fill in some missing troops or to replace models I’m not the biggest fan of. Painted the doctor Dactyl to represent a Proxy-1 doctor. I’ll be using the other one for the engineer. Still learning how to work flesh. Getting better.
The hair on this chick! Anyway it was an easy paint job. I spent some time on the thing she’s standing on. Took a shot at NMM bronze. Don’t think I got it quite right but it looks good.
Tried something new with the Deva. In retrospect the colors for the pants and vest should be reversed. The face details are lost in his shirt.
Group Shot

Here’s a group shot of all the minis for this army. I’m closing in on finishing the Coldfront boxset. Glad to be working again.
Shawn G. (Soul)