New Workstation Complete – Sort of…

So, I’ve been a busy little bastard since my last update. My workstation is complete and I’ve been using it for a few weeks now. Here’s the skinny on what was added:

  • Airbrush booth w/ lighting
  • Custom booth venting system
  • Vallejo paint holder
  • Tabletop and wall mount paint racks
  • Magnetic Board

Airbrush Booth w/ Lighting

Airbrush Booth - With Lighting

I picked up a Paasche HSSB-22-16 from Amazon. I designed my desk to be roomy so I went with larger booth. I had some cabinet lighting we bought from Ikea years ago to light our cabinets in the old house. I kept them figuring they would come in handy eventually. I was right!

Custom Booth Venting

Spray Booth Filter Spray Booth Filter Spray Booth Filter
Spray Both Filter - 4

I really didn’t care about my workspace in the last house. I had airbrush dust EVERYWHERE. Not very smart Shawn… Anyway, this time I have a space I would like to keep clean so I need to vent my fumes better. The window above my space is poorly designed for my use so I did some research and found system that allows me to trap my fumes indoors.

I first drilled a hole into the back corner of MDF surface. Then connected some dryer vent tubing that curved behind it and under the desk. I rigged a bucket I got from Home Depot to catch my fumes using these hand drawn plans by a genius – Homemade Spray Booth & Filter.

My tweak is instead of wrapping the filters around the vent tubing, I used the bucket to cut perfect circles out of my filters and then cut a hole through the middle to run the tubing through. The fumes vent into the bottom of the bucket and then blows up through 9 layers of carbon filtration to escape from the top of the bucket. I tested it using incense and could smell nothing coming out of the bucket. Worked BEAUTIFULLY. That said, I still use my mask when working and leave the fan running for about 5 minutes after spraying. Can’t be too safe.

Vallejo Paint Holder

This was made using PVC pipe from Home Depot. Each 10’ pipe yielded 29 4” tubes. Glued them together with a glue gun and spray painted it black. Holds 203. And yes, I had to color coordinate the pots. The beast of compulsion demands sacrifice…

Paint Racks

Paint Rack - 2 Paint Rack - 3

Got some nail polish racks from Amazon. These hold all my inks and Badge airbrush paints. Good to have all my paints, well most, within reach.

Magnetic Board

Magnetic Board

On a side note I added a magnetic board to store my bits and such. I need to give them a good cleaning before putting them up.

I’m jazzed as hell over this new layout. Been working very well for me. I’ll continue to tweak it over the weeks. The only think lacking now is shelving/storage.

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