Daemons and Resin bases – Why do you hate me so?

Well I’m still trying to pin down what I want to do next. I wanted to do daemons. Not because they are really good ATM, I don’t bandwagon armies. In fact I have a full Tzeentch Daemon horde for fantasy that I could just use in 40K if I wanted to bandwagon. No, I wanted to paint a whole new daemon army using all the new sexy plastics. I even picked up some new resin bases from Dragon Forge to mount them on. Those plans may be dashed…

Daemonic troops, as a whole, have delicate little ankles and pinning them is difficult to say the least. If you are not careful you can end up drilling through the leg or, if using a dremel, melting the plastic from friction. Even if you get them mounted, the ever-present fear of breakages is a serious concern. When the do break, they will break above the pin section leaving the whole leg, ankle and some of the shin still attached to the resin base. So irritating!

While I try to figure out what to do with my commission payment (2000pts of Tzeentch Daemons), I dug up some of my old CSM from my Iron Warrior days and started to kick around the idea of painting CSM again with a new scheme. I have not abandoned the Tzeentch daemos, but the idea of mounting 30+ horrors that I know are going to break and piss me off just seems unwise. If this army takes root, and it looks like it will, I’ll splice the daemons in via allies and still get to paint some of the new stuff.

Dragon Forge Bases

First up, here are the bases I got from Dragon Forge. They are from Jeff’s Desecrated Lands line and they are sexy as hell. I first tried painting them black with a orange glow, but that ended up looking like crap. These are airbrushed using the same colors I used for Dave’s Vet Contemptor (Deathwing colors) and the cracks are filled with Tamiya gore. I’ll post a tutorial on this technique later. I gave the bases a black trim to accentuate the detail.

CSM Template WiPCSM Template WiP

Here’s my template model. This guy kind of painted himself on Saturday. I especially like how the eyes turned out. I’ll have to experiment more with that look. This scheme looks good but needed polish. That’s where the 2nd marine came in.

CSM ChosenCSM ChosenCSM Chosen

This is the same scheme with more bone color and red as a contrast. The red is highlighted strangely (elf flesh) and I love it! Looks good on the base as well. And easy to pin…

I’ll be working on these as well while I work on Dave’s Dark Angel commission; I think the next two will be a sorcerer and a dark apostle.

Shawn G. (SoI)

4 thoughts on “Daemons and Resin bases – Why do you hate me so?”

  1. Personally I have never liked resin bases for the reasons you mention here. You have to pin models to them, which is a pain, otherwise they are prone to separating. The other reason I is I enjoy the process of modelling bases in itself, so resin bases for me are out.

    Nice work on the chaos marines. In the pictures, I can’t say that I like the blue in the cracks, but in person they might look better.

    Good work on the metallics, I really like that color scheme.

  2. Thanks Tim. Base work is not a strong point for me. I like to go simple and when I do craft my own bases they are usually simple to the extreme (My Tomb Kings). I really need to work on that.

    As for the scheme, I’m not sure the blue is working either. I can say the images here are brighter then they are in person. It does look better in person. I’ll experiment a few more times and the scheme will level out.

    Shawn G.

  3. Having seen the blue in person it looks pretty good but a bit confusing in that you are wondering what it is signifying. Like is it mark of tzeench? something else? It’s just unclear. If it was a theme and there were bright blue tzeentch daemons it would make sense. But at the same time not 100%.

  4. They look good Shawn, but I agree with Dave (What up D?!), the blue is a bit “odd”. If you tried putting some Blue into the base coat or overall color of the silver. I know last time we spoke you said you liked the Alpha Legion Idea, and I think thats what you were going for here, but the reason the AL colors work is that they are opposing colors. Silver and Blue are tandem colors.

    What I would do is maybe put a bit of a green wash…real lite amount…in the areas the blue is coming from. Have the wash be lite, but over a wide area. Like at least a 1/3 of the area and then do the blue, still stark, but pencil thin.

    Just a thought.

    and CALL ME!

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