So, the NOVA Open is a scant 8 days away and I’m still painting.

I finished the needed warriors for my list. With them ALL the infantry in intend to paint for this army are complete, at least for a while. Huge milestone passed.

I mentioned before that I’ve not been overly compelled to paint the wraiths. While I like the models, they are to damn fragile (the whip coils were designed foolishly). These are my redesigns for this Thokt project. I was worried that the models would not fit the scheme, but that is no longer the case.
Last Saturday I was looking at this project found a problem. As a whole the army looks good, but it was lacking something. It’s been bothering me for weeks now and finally I figured it out. The army has no centerpiece. Couldn’t have that now could I?
I have 2 whip coil designs that I should have finished shortly. They’ll be posted soon. Before NOVA I promise!
Shawn G. (SoI)
Looks good homie. Good luck at NoVA…
Thanks dude!.
Shawn G.