The preparation for NOVA continues.

First up, I knocked out 5 more immortals last week. Thins brings the needed model count down to 8. I used some Praetorian heads to represent sergeants for my squads. I know, I know; “Necrons don’t have sergeants!”. But I like it and it looks cool so shut up.
I’ve already started the last batch and plan to have them completed this week.

Next are my Cryptek redesigns. I opted to redesign my C’tek a while back, as I didn’t think they looked robust enough to be minor characters. I used the Praetorian/Liche Guard kit to make them look a little beefier, and I have to say I dig this design a lot more. I’m especially fond of the glowing orbs on their backs.

Lastly, I got my bases from Dragon Forge last week. I set them up as masters for my checker plate base design and casted the molds. I now can produce my own 150mm, 120mm, 100mm, and 80mm bases. Having a large variety of base layouts has been so useful!
I used a 120mm base to mount the flying stand for my scythe. I actually pinned the flying stand to the base as I didn’t trust glue to be strong enough on it’s own. The rock formations I made out of sculpey were really easy to cut with an X-acto so I got the look I was striving for.
I already said how much I love this kit, and I like it even more after it was painted. After adding the flying stand this model is likely now my favorite! It’s so damn sweet it gave me cavities. I must have more! And after the rules for flyers in 6th combined with the Necron FAQ, I’ll likely have at least 6 Scythe variants.
That’s all I gotz for now. More to come as I progress.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Loveing the army, it loos awesome.
i agree that using the beefier body-parts of the lychguard looks better for the crypteks, however considering their statline and appearance, the warrior body look is jsut a bit more fluffy imo. i think a potential middleground would be to use immortal legs as they are bigger than warriors, but not as over the top beefy as the lychguard.
Thanks Daniel.
I thought of that, but was worried they would appear to have larger hips then necessary. Hourglass shaped Crypteks would just be damn bizarre to look at. 😀
Shawn G. (SoI)