Sorry I’ve been so quiet people! I’ve been fairly busy these last few weeks and I’ve had little time to post.
I’ll be making that up today!

First is the final piece to my friend Dave’s commission; Inquisitor Karamazov. Years ago a good friend of mine Jeff painted this piece for his guard army. I hated that model then and I hate it still.
For clarification it’s not the model or it’s design I hate, it’s the excessive detail that gives me fits. This bastard has over 30 purity seals! Seriously?
Anyway, Dave knew that this model would give me fits and gave me all the time in the world to get him done. He then proceeded to use him on me in a game upon delivery. Jerk…
I received 2 additional units commissions from Dave, but they’ll have to wait a while, I’ve a Necron army to finish for NOVA! (More on this below)

After finishing Dave’s commission, I took a swing at the new scythe kit for the ‘Crons. I have to tell you, this was the EASIEST kit to put together. It’s like it was designed for the paint-then-assemble method that I use for this scheme.

And here’s the best part, the portal/Doom gun fit snugly in place with no need for magnets. So sweet.
Now if only those bases I ordered from Dragon Forge last night would arrive today so I can finish his base…
Finally, it’s time I stopped mucking around and geared up for NOVA. With my local hobby shop closed, I’m going to focus on getting this army and it’s display finished for NOVA.
Here’s a pic on what I’m bringing:
I’ll expand on this in a later post today.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Oh man, I have to paint that same “special needs” inquisitor as well. Next month…ugh…
I had no idea Springfield had already closed. So much for Armies on Parade. I guess I am painting for NOVA now as well. Any news on the veteran gamers club thing?
@Tim – Special needs indeed! I’m sorry you have to deal with this model. Hopefully you’ll have a better time then I.
@John – Yeah. Springfield GW is dead and buried. End of an era. There will be no AoP this year for the area. As for the gaming group, we were doing that in the store and interest kind of dried up. I have been talking with ^^^Tim^^^ on setting up some group paint sessions.
Tim, I’ll send you an email on this shortly. Sorry about my slowness to reply. John, you will be CC’d as well.
Shawn G.