Been Busy as Hell!

Sorry for the lack of content people. I’ve been a tad swamped. After Adepticon I had a 7 page essay to write and other crap to do. But things have calmed down and I have time again.

First up I’d like to introduce a good friend of mine who will be posting content to Glaven. Mike is to kit building, terrain, and basing as I am to painting. Here’s one of his recent works:

Rock of Aegis

That’s your queue Chew…

Secondly, I’ve gotten at least 1 of all the new Necron kits and they are awesome! Pics forthcoming.

And lastly, I’m trying to figure out if I intend to go to Armies on Parade at GD this year. I didn’t compete last year with my Tomb Kings and missed out. With the changes to my local hobby shop on the horizon, I think I may pass this year as well and focus on preping my ‘Crons for Nova. Decisions and details as soon as I make my mind up.

That’s all I have for now. Stay Tuned.

Shawn G. (SoI)

9 thoughts on “Been Busy as Hell!”

  1. What changes to the store do you mean? Anything to do with the big for lease sign out front? I’ve been painting for Armies on Parade as well, so if there was some kind of rules change, that could be pretty worrisome.

    How did your game against the Grey Knights turn out? The setup was very NOVA-like, so I assumed it was preparation. I’ve been thinking about bringing an army this weekend as a way to prep. It seems reasonable to play at least one game since the previous NOVA as practice.

  2. Hey John. It was good to see you at the shop!

    The store is being retired and turned into one of those 1 man deals. Closed on Mon-Tues, 2 tables tops, small inventory, all that crap. A very unfriendly environment for us vets. The sad thing is the community of gamers we have is going to scatter. I’ve been trolling that store for a decade. It’s a real shame to see her go.

    As far as Armies on Parade goes, I’m not sure what they intend to do. The rumor is the shop will be closing mid June. Hopefully that will leave time for them to host their local AoP. I guess details will trickle down the closer we get to the end.

    I believe I tied that game with Dave’s Grey Knights. Dave has been training me to think and play competitively for the last few weeks. I’ve also gotten a few pointers from Tony Kopach and his younger brother Andy that have been really useful. Tony later beat the breaks out of my ‘Crons. It was not pretty, but I learned a lot.

    We’ve been ‘training’ for NOVA at the shop for the last week or so. People have been polishing/optimizing their lists for the tourney. You should get in on the fun!

    Toss me an email and I’ll forward you my cell and get you in contact with the organizer.

    Shawn G. (SoI)

  3. That really bums me out. I like all the guys that work at the Springfield shop, and the camaraderie the’ve fostered amongst all of us. Maybe we should finally invoke the UK model and setup a gaming club not attached to a store. I’ll bounce you my cell in an email. (almost posted it here phew!)

  4. What’s up? I hear from Dave G. that you are local. Be careful with all the training…to a great painter and modeller like you competitive play should come second to painting and modelling. Don’t let spam lists ruin the look and feel of your army is all I am saying I guess.

    Would love to see your crons in person…


  5. @John – We are all a mix of bummed out and pissed. There’s no way this would have happened if Bing was manager (not a knock on Bill). They just took Bing’s departure and the ending of the lease as the perfect time to make Springfield tow the line. I have no idea what our community is going to do.

    @Tim – Thank you! I’ve been trolling your blog for a while now and you are a real inspiration. As for competitive play, I like to play what looks cool. Screw what the internet says! I’ve 4000+ points of painted Tomb Kings and that army is not optimized worth a damn and I love it. I’ve no idea how we haven’t met yet. I was at Adepticon with Chewie (Mike). We should arrange a meet.

    Shawn G. (SoI)

  6. Hmm, now that I think of it, we might have met. We should get together and do some painting. But now there’s no GW for that. Well, I’ve been thinking of getting some painters together maybe at a local community center or something to just paint, learn from each other and maybe do a painting challenge kind of thing.

  7. That Sir, is a FANTASTIC idea!

    One of my favorite blogs Massive Voodoo holds paint workshops a couple times a year where they get together to paint, sculpt, and discuss the elements of hobbying from a designer/artist perspective. We could adopt their model.

    I know of some brilliant painters in our area who would likely be very open to this concept, and I know dozens of other hobbyists that would love workshops like these to develop their own skills.

    We should run this idea to ground. I’ll fire my email address at you via your blog.

    Shawn G.

  8. Sounds good. Massive Voodoo- I’m trying to visit that guy this summer when I am in Europe. He’s seeing if he can run an event in Vienna so I might end up attending one of his classes…how awesome would that be!

  9. Oh, that would be awesome. That site hosts an amazing amount of talent.

    Shawn G.

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