On of the last few character models I’m doing for mah pal Dave. This guy came out nicely. I forgot to take pictures of Coteaz before I turned him in. Sorry about that.
I just have Drago (not a fan so far) and Karamazov (God help me…) to complete.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Love the model and the base is great. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone do a black stone work type base. That looks great.
Ron, FTW
This is my favorite mini from that commission so far! Are you sure you don’t want to paint up some Ultramarines? 🙂
Thanks Ron. The client had the bases a dark slate grey when he gave them to me. I didn’t like how the detail of the base tiles were lost with that shade so I highlighted the corners to make them stand out. Looks pretty good.
Shawn G.
Glad you like John. You are the second person to ask me to paint that chapter in 24 hrs. lol
Shawn G.
Come on man….just paint one Ultramarine…first one is free….. 🙂
Mine own interests are being undermined at every turn… 🙂
Shawn G.