Tomb Kings in Space – Thokt Necron Army
When the Necron codex dropped 4th quarter last year, I drooled over the new rules and models, but couldn’t dedicate any real time to them as I had 2 commissions to grind through before I could allow any goodies for myself. With my commissions done (on the most part), it’s time to break ground and paint myself a 40K army!
I found a paint scheme in the new codex that I thought was pretty damn smexy. I broke it down to its component colors and drafted a scheme that was easy to replicate:

Since then, I’ve tested the scheme on some different/larger kits with impressive results:
Now it’s time to draft an army!
Some of you may be familiar with my Army of Arkhan the Black project for Tomb Kings last year, so you should find my methodology recognizable. If you are not, I’ll make it simple: I’m quite compulsive…
Army List:
Details below.
Color Scheme:
Body Primary – Flat Black highlighted with VMC Basalt Grey (70869) and VMC Sky Grey (70989).
Body Secondary – GW Foundation Dheneb Stone highlighted with VMC Ivory (70918).
Glowing Bits – VGC Magic Blue (72021) highlighted with white.
Notes – Notice there are no metals in this scheme. Why would a culture as old as the Necrotyr rely on metallic compounds instead of synthesized alloys? GW’s metal scheme is completely uninspired! Is my nerd side showing?
Current Model Range Concerns
Warriors – Not a fan of these guys. Won’t be using too many.
Spiders – I have a conversion idea for these. Give me a few days…
Scarabs – I’m not a fan of warriors so I’ll be getting these elsewhere.
Crypteks – Converted from the Praetorian kit.
Notes – Other then waiting on the remaining kits to be released (Night Scythes), I’ll have plenty to work on till GW decides my money is worth taking.
Army List
Normally I build an army out of the stuff I thought was cool to paint. This ‘technique’ has gotten me in trouble more then once so this time I’m doing it right!
My last commission was a FW Librarian for resident gaming guru Tony Kopach. My payment was for him to craft me an army list and kick my ass until I learned to use it correctly. Fair trade in my eyes.
Until the Night Scythe is released I’ll be building a modified “Death by Scarab” list with the Traveler, foot-slogging Immortals with Crypteks, and one metric arse-load of spiders & scarabs.
I’ll also be adding in some fun stuff along the way.
Shawn G. (SoI)
I will be sure to keep an eye out for updates on this. I love your Thokt models and I am considering using the same dynasty myself.
It’s the smexyist theme in the codex aside from the glory that is the Nihilakh Dynasty (the turquoise & gold scheme). I think that is the best looking army GW has released in years.
Shawn G.
Hi, wonderfull theme!
Can u make a tutorial for paint a necron with this schema?
Dude, i like you colour scheme, however, you stated that necrons don’t use sythesized compounds but should.
But you must first understand that they ar WAY past this technology and they are MILLIONS of years older than humans, they are also smarter and more complex, also necrons don’t use the usual iron or steel but they use Necrodermis which is an alloy that has the ability to repair itself. JESUS! DON’T YOU READ TH WIKI???
But yes i do agree, you should make tutorials. ^_^
also, here are some links to the necrons stuff:
P.S. your good t painting necrons. ^_^
@ Spinamster – LOL! You sir, I like! I did make a tutorial on this scheme. It’s called “My Thokt Necrons“. Check it out!.
Shawn G.
Since retail stores close to my area dont have VMC colors could anyone what some sort of *transformation* from VMC colors to GW colors ?
I don’t have any local shops that sell VMC colors either I get buy online. Baring that, you can use Dakka’s paint conversion chart found here: Paint Range Compatibility Chart.
Shawn (SoI)
Thanks a lot dude and forgot to say epic work !
Thing is .. not all colors exist e.g ivory and sky grey (i dont know about others didnt check them ALL out 😛 )
Those necrons are epic I totally am going to try that colour scheme!