Glad to see you’re (more or less) unscathed and back in action. Your stuff looks as good as ever!
I took a look through your Dark Eldar gallery and saw how far behind the curve I still am in terms of my painting skills. Your stuff is simply amazing.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks all!
I’ve been grinding through this army trying to make up lost time. So much to do!
Nice job on the red on the Techmarine. That and the green tint to the metallics. It makes for a nice contrast overall.
From the Warp
Glad to see you’re (more or less) unscathed and back in action. Your stuff looks as good as ever!
I took a look through your Dark Eldar gallery and saw how far behind the curve I still am in terms of my painting skills. Your stuff is simply amazing.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks all!
I’ve been grinding through this army trying to make up lost time. So much to do!
Shawn G. (SoI)