10 thoughts on “Mandolins are Dangerous!!!”

  1. Dude, that sucks. Becky cut her thumb on ours the night before. Those things are incredibly dangerous!

  2. Ugh, I’m already paranoid about julienning my hand while using a mandolin.
    This doesn’t help. How much flesh did you lose?

  3. Holy Salad Slicer batman! That looks like a nasty nick you got there. I see it happened about a week ago so I hope you’re healing up nicely.

    Reason I’m dropping in is because I’m working towards a Keeper of Secrets conversion using bits from the Daemon Prince box, & I’ve come to the conclusion that it might need a serpentine lower body. Since I know you use both Daemons & Tomb Kings I’d like your take on the idea of using Sepulchral Stalker bits toward that end.

    Wha’dya think? could it be done?


  4. So Shawn, any update on the healing process?

    When will we see some awesome painted miniatures again? 😉

  5. Yes I have taken the tops off two of my fingers and being right handed this not good and very painful

  6. Yeah. I still have the mangle-er that shaved my thumb years back. I can’t look at it without getting a cold shiver. And I’m sure as hell never touching it again.

    Shawn G. (SoI)

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