I LOVE the Tomb Kings, and this new Necron Codex is swiftly approaching a similar level of interest.
Here’s my take on the Thokt Dynasty found in the codex.

If I can replicate this on a vehicle and 2 more troop types I think I’ll have my scheme.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Very nice! The typical all metal look is boring so this sweet paint scheme will really make your army stand out. Can’t wait to see how your vehicles turn out!
That’s the next test. I plan on painting an Annihilation Barge next. That will be a true test of this scheme’s limits.
Shawn G.
Nice Shawn. I’m thinking of doing something similar with deep purples. I want the necron feel there, with just the ‘right’ amount of highlighting. I think you nailed it.
Thanks. I like this scheme as it has a cold lifeless quality to it. The Thokt Dynasty was the best looking of the scheme in the book (IMO) aside from that brilliant turquoise and gold theme they created from the studio.
Shawn G.
What color did you use for the blue? And did you paint the blue after painting everything else black?
The whole model was primed black. The blue is VGC Magic Blue (72021) which is identical to GW’s Enchanted Blue. It was mixed with white for the highlight effect.
Shawn G.
Thanks! I was going to do a similar color scheme but with grey instead of white. I was worried that I would have a hard time getting the blue to show up like you did.
Not a problem. Since I’ve got these two commissions sitting on my plate I really can’t devote too much time to the ‘Crons. And I’m really chomping at the bit to get started on them!
Shawn G.
Shawn – What did you do the the black? Is that just straight from the can, or did you do something?
The black is straight from the can. I didn’t have to do anything else.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Hey shawn the colour looks awsome cant wait to see the others i was wandering did spray paint the black on or paint it on.
It’s black primed. I can’t wait till I finish this commission so I can get back to my ‘Crons.
Shawn G. (SoI)
That is a great look, any updates available on the Crons?
@Throatpunch – I wouldn’t allow myself to paint any on my own goodies untill I completed my commission for Dave. Since that project is 90% completed I went back to my ‘Crons to break up the monotony.
I’ll have some sexy pics for you here really soon. Hopefully tonight!
Shawn G. (SoI)
What color is the White/Grey color?
Sorry for the late response! I have been busy as hell. In case you are still interested I used Dheneb Stone as the color. That has since been discontinued so you can aim for Rakarth Flesh from GW or Heavy Warmgrey from Vallejo.