I’ve been busy as hell with work so I’ve been real slow on work for this army. Well, thinks have been settling down and here are a few things I’ve got stored up.

First up is a Tomb King I built right after the tourney at Blob’s. I wanted to try some new army builds so I needed a king with the appropriate parts. I used the axe from the Necro Knights kit but it needed to be converted some so it would fit onto a Tomb Guard body. The death mask also comes from the same kit. The shield comes via Scibor.
This guy was really easy to paint and I’m glad at how he turned out. I was worried the shield was going to be poor as the detail did not seem to strong, but it looks good! I’m especially fond of the ‘intent’ of this mini. There are some unsavory types on his lawn in dire need of immediate extirpation…

Next up is the sphinx from my display. The model is a limited run terrain piece sculpted by Chris Fitzpatrick. It came out around the same time the Tomb Kings army was first released and I bought it to eventually paint up for my personal army. I ended up selling the army but kept the sphinx because it was too damn cool to let go of.
I painted it up for my display using my army colors. It looks ok, but I’ll have to revisit it eventually as it is in need of detail work.
Lastly is this little beauty.
I have received tons of inquiries as to how I did the sandstone skin of my original Necrosphinx. I really want to share how I did it, but it needs an appropriate model so the technique translates correctly. There was no way that I would buy/repaint another sphinx just for a tutorial, so I’ll use this.
I’ll work on the tutorial over the weekend (hopefully).
Shawn G. (SoI)
Hey dude, I have a few questions is there anyway we could have a short dialogue together? 🙂