Dark Eldar love continues!
Here’s the first of my Archons. I painted this guy back in April for a painting competition. I was quite pleased at how well the agonizer came out. The cloak, not so much…
I have another in production that will be carrying a blaster.

Next are my first two completed warrior squads. Unfortunately the warrior kit only comes with 1 blaster and I need multiple so I’ll just use shredders as fill-ins.
I’ve been taking advantage of the insanely beautiful weather Irene left behind to prime some units/vehicles. I have a raider, venom, hellion pack (beastmasters), and haemonculus on the table for completion.
Stay tuned.
Shawn G. (SoI)
I need to finish my Salamanders so your DE can crush them underfoot…
Whatever. SM armies are easy mode. 😉
Shawn G.
Heya, I dropped you a PM on Warseer asking about your Necrosphinx, but I I figure you’d look here more often.
This month I’m going to do a Daemon Prince for a local painting competition and I’d like to use your sandstone technique to simulate alabaster skin.
If you could help I’d really appreciate it. I’ve been looking for a good opportunity to give this color a shot, and this seems like a fit.
First, you mentioned you use Almond Krylon spray, but what kind? (gloss, satin, indoor-outdoor, enamel, etc.) There are a lot of choices at a hardware store. I’ve never used Krylon, or any other colored base, so I want to make sure I get the right thing.
I imagine the white drybrushing & sepia wash is self explanatory, although I’m curious why you do the drybrushing.
I’m also curious about the Vallejo MC Ivory. Nobody within 50 miles of me sells Vallejo, so can you give an approximate color match? I read someone claim P3’s Menoth White is close but I haven’t seen either so I’d defer to your knowledge.
Thanks in advance for your help. If this goes well I hope to make another Prince to match the first.
Just as I get ready to paint my first fantasy army, you pick up the 40k equivalent!
@Muninn – I don’t go on Warseer anymore since they started to send up Malware alerts. I know it’s not their fault, but I abandoned that community. Anyway. I can create a tutorial for you using my method but it may take some time to get around to it. I’ve been pretty busy.
Drop me a line at shawn@glaven.net and I can field your questions there.
@John – Dark Elves make for a damn sexy army when complete. It was either them or the Tomb Kings.
Shawn G.