Well I’ve been a busy bastard for the last several weeks. I decided to knuckle down ad get behind the Dark Eldar project I was developing since December.
I have not pinned down what I want to play with but it’s drifting towards an assault variant with fire support. I think I’ll run them like Daemons sans the random crap and the suckage.
The only real problem I’m having with this army is transporting it. I have nothing sensible to use to carry these vehicles and I have a SCORE of 40mm monsters that do not play well with the GW transport case. Looks like I’m going to have to invest in some Battle Foam.
I’m particularly happy at how the bases complement the paint scheme I choose. I wanted a simple textured dark base that would gel with the (mostly) monochromatic color palate. I recently made some 25mm bases for my infantry.

More can be found in the Dark Eldar Gallery.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Fantastic! The contrast between the black and white is excellent and still maintains the sinister aspect of the Dark Eldar. The purely blank masked unit of Trueborn is a very nice touch, adding to their otherworldly look.
Looking forward to your future updates on this project and thanks for sharing.
Looking pretty good sir! LoL, those were the colors I was gonna paint mine too! White chest plates and the rest of the armor black. Now, to just do well with them…
@ToV – Glad you like! This scheme took some work to hammer out but the end result was satisfying. I’ll be uploading some new content today hopefully.
@Robert – I’ve been having a lot of success with this army. They dish out some serious punishment. The Talos in particular can really hurt you but you have to build a list where it is very low on the threat meter.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Looks really awesome! How did you make those steel-looking textured bases?