~I had to recover my blog last night after an update killed my theme. So this is a repost.~
Well, it’s been a while and I’m back into painting. I kind of burned through that plethora of hobby mojo with my Tomb Kings army and knocked out a good 2200pts. I still have a great deal to do with that army but WHF isn’t doing anything for me at them moment.
To alleviate my boredom I’ve gone back to my old faithful army: Daemons (40K this time). I have been a fantasy buff for so long and found 40k boring but I have to say that Fantasy has gotten somewhat crazy at the moment and the game is not challenging anymore.
So I’ve been painting/playing Daemons lately for 40k and it’s been great. Here are few models that I’ve completed recently.

Here are two heralds I did using my my disk design. I was really happy on how they came out. I mounted them on my resin bases as well. Sadly the heralds I got for these two heralds came from the Blue Scribes conversion I made last year. I found the conversion broken in the case it had been resting in for months. The original herald I built for this project has been completed as well but I need to replenish my resin supplies so I can make more bases.

Here’s one of those new sorcerers from the Storm of Chaos WHF event. It makes for a damn good looking herald! I’m about to start on the second SoM Chaos Sorcerer to add him in as a herald. Can’t wait to get started on him.

Finally, here’s a Pink Horror I did as a mockup. Painting it was really easy so after I fine tune my process a little I think I’ll crank out a tutorial for painting them.
That’s all I have for right now. More to come as I progress.
Shawn G. (SoI)