So I was digging around on Dakka Dakka last Thursday, when I came across a thread in the News & Rumors section talking about a big sale for Vallejo paints being sold on ebay. I jumped at the chance and snached one lot up and holy crap did I make out good!
5 Vallejo 6 pot packs and 5 Vallejo 16 pot packs. $330 in Vallejo paint for $65 shipped.
I’ll never buy another GW paint!
Now I have to build two more shelves to house them…

Shawn G. (SoI)
I loved VGC paints, but eventually abandoned them. The separation was too much for me to overcome. I ended having to pop the eyedropper tips off and literally stir the paint to get a decent consistency, even with a metal agitator added to the bottle. Now I just pour citadel paint into the Vallejo bottes, since I like the eyedropper much more than the citadel pot.
The separation issue can be annoying but I’ve fallen in love with VMC/VGC colors. They are just better quality then GW (IMO) and the color range is insane. I am still a great fan of Citadel foundation paints and washes. I burn through so much Devlin Mud I should buy stock in it.