Well I’ve started work on some of the new Finecast models GW has released. To be honest my opinion is mixed.

First up is the new Liche Priest. I don’t really know why, but I like this model. Painting him was a breeze, but the sculpt has some muddy detail in some locations. The cloth was pretty ratty and some of the metal collar detail was poor. I’m glad I chose a simple paint scheme for this army, as it would take serious work to get this painted to a higher standard IMO.
The new Ushabti are damn cool, but GW was very lazy making them all the same body. They also suffer from thin spots that will break if mishandled. I’m also not seeing this extra detail that’s supposed to be with these new sculpts that does not exist in the metal/plastic forms. They do glue together with delicious ease.
I painted up the champion first and it came together pretty well.

I do have one problem I don’t have an easy solution for: the lack of command for this unit. I really don’t know what to do about it. I imagine I can make a standard bearer conversion that should look ok, but the musician is eluding me. My current idea is to create a unit filler for the front rank using the large obelisk from the Scibor terrain I have and just inform my opponent of what they represent. The filler would serve nicely until GW decides to release a kit, though I don’t think that would be acceptable in a tournament.
That’s all I have for now.
Shawn G. (SoI)
It wouldn’t be too hard to do a simple conversion of the straight arm on the ushabti to have it hold a banner of some sort. Cut just under the collar at the shoulder and at the elbow, pin in some florist wire, set the arm with a more bent pose and put a rod through his fist to be a banner pole. The other hand can hold the bow.
For a musician you can do the same thing – but bend the arm so he’s holding a doumbek or something similar in the crook of his arm.
is it the photo or are the new ushabti a bit larger than the old metal ones?
you could also use the horn from the skelly set and hang it like the quiver on a backside.
and for the banner, use the 1 form the warsphinx, make it a little bigger/longer and stick it in the ground, like its been planted so the ushabti has his hands free to shoot the bow. that will require little to no conversion to the model themselfs.
They are slightly taller. That picture has a play of perspective going on.
I’ve picked up a new box to build the standard & musician from. Stay tuned for the mockups.