It’s been a busy few days but I’ve gotten some work done. First up are two completed characters for my army.
Now to be honest these are my least favorite characters that I’ve built and it appears that that fact showed up in my painting. Especially for the Priest. But they are done and all they need is a coat of varnish I can move on.

Next up are some WiP’s that I’ve been picking at. I’ve started to paint the tower. This bugger will take a few hours to get done but it will be a pretty addition to my scheme. Second is an Obelisk I bought from Armorcast YEARS ago. I think I bought this back in ’04 I believe when I was first painting this army. It’s been sitting around taking up space so I dug her up and now she’ll get some love. Cant wait to get started on it.

Last but not least I think I’ve got my Arkhan model pinned down. I like the look a lot but he needs some green stuff touch up. He will look really intimidating when complete.

That’s all I have for now. The weather here has been horrible. We’ve had 1 rain free day out of the last 9 and we have more rain predicted for most of this week. I may get a free day on Wednesday to get some priming done. We’ll see.
Shawn G. (SoI)
hey i wanted to know what pieces did you use for your Arkhan the Black. BTW Your army is looking gorgeous
Thank you! Arkhan is a simple conversion. The body is the mage from the WHF Elf/Skaven starter box with a tomb guard head swap. That’s it.
Shawn G. (SoI)