I got to put in some real time with the sphinx kit yesterday and with some time I was able to modulate it. It’s not as easy as say a dreadnought but it can be done if you take your time and are careful. I love you Dremel.

I also was able to use the torso for a new design for my Heirotitan. The Conduit concept works well for my army scheme but does not scream monster enough. This is closer to the idea I originally had.
Getting three models out of one box is pretty cool.
More to come as I progress.
Shawn G. (SoI)
that looks like a great idea but, im really hoping to find something that is more like a oversized ushabati for my collosus/ heirotitan. let me know if anyone has ideas even if its a base model i can build off of. i do have the newest version of the giant so maybe we can go from there?
By giant i mean the kit and the tomb king giant
I’m not quite sold on it as of yet. The join of the torso and platform seems a bit forced. I’m going to put some more work on it tonight to see what I come up with.
If you are looking for a statue, there are some Egyptian figurines that you can find online.
Try here: http://www.stealstreet.com/Egyptian-s/41.htm
I’ve gotten more then a few ideas from those.
Shawn G. (SoI)