Tomb King Necrosphinx

Tomb King Necrosphinx!

When I heard this model could be in a Black Box this I demanded that I’d be allowed to paint it. Ok, I begged again.

The only stipulation Bing gave me was I had to build it in the store which meant people handling it before it had time to fully dry/cure. It got knocked about quite a bit before I got to take it home (Note the missing beard extension). If I can’t find that missing piece I’ll have to putty over that hole.

I thought GW outdid itself with the Dark Eldar line. This new Tomb King stuff is nothing short of astounding.

I’m blown away by this model!

Tomb King Necrosphinx
Tomb King Necrosphinx
Tomb King Necrosphinx
Tomb King Necrosphinx

Tomb King Necrosphinx

The sprue pics are from my cell at the store.

Tomb KIng Sphinx Sprue
Tomb KIng Sphinx Sprue

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