Now that I’ve discussed this marvelous formula, it’s time I showed you how to use it. I’ll be using an old Forgeworld bust I bought years ago and quasi-painted. I let it soak for 24 hours.

Here’s what you’ll need:
- Zep Insrustrial Degreaser
- Plastic paint pot (paint section from Lowes)
- Old Toothbrush
- Rubber gloves

Place the mini in the pot on its side and fill with Purple Goodness enough to cover.
After digging it out (use a glove), run the model under warm water for a min or so to wash off the degreaser.
Take the toothbrush and scrub off the paint rinsing it off as you go. I like to use dish soap make sure all the degreaser has been cleaned off before letting it dry and repriming.

Pretty simple huh?
Is this cleaner availible in the UK? I used an old toothbrush with dettol (what some guy said to use on youtube) and the results were horrible he said it doesnt damage the model and the are horrible bit of plastic flaking off the model. Oh and sorry for being so picky about spelling but toohbrush!?!?!
lol! Sorry about that. Missed a ‘t’ there didn’t I? Fixed now.
Anyway, you’ll have to check the distributor to see if this product is available across the pond. I would assume/hope it is, but you never know.
Shawn G. (SoI)
Thanks and sorry for the pickiness of the spelling. I guess im just a nerd!