I was in my local GW shop and discovered that the Bloodcrushers that came in the black-box a few weeks back had not been painted. After chatting with the manager I was told that it was unlikely that they ever would be painted due to the staff having to crank out several units for the Isle of Blood box set.
Anyway, it took me a while to get these bastards done. The weather here in N. VA has been atrocious so getting them primed took forever. I based them with a lava theme (using cork sheets) the same as the Demon Prince.
I both hate and love these models; the Juggernauts were a joy to paint. I have not worked with metals in a very long time (years I think), and the patinaed bronze look was a real joy. The Bloodletters on the other hand I hate. For some reason I can never get these models to look the way I want. This fact has plagued me for years and that is why I never fielded them. I just can’t stand the red skin look people tend to gravitate toward but other skin tones don’t look right either.
Bah! I’ll figure it out.