For my Birthday last year my wife bought me two Forgeworld (FW) models I’ve been eyeing for a long time. The Great Spined Beast and the Khornate Demon Prince. Since I’ve had these models for so long I decided to paint one up for this Warriors of Chaos army project and use him as a Shaggoth.
Now I’m not an expert on Warhammer Fantasy history but I have no memory of the use of the term Shaggoth to represent a monster since GW attributed it to a large Dragon Ogre back in the 6th edition Beastmen army book. For my army, the term Shaggoth will characterize any large unnamed monster from the Chaos Wastes.
- Great Spined Shaggoth – Done and done!
- Dragon Ogre Shaggoth – Owned but needs a new paintjob
- Great Spawn Shaggoth – (Aiming to get this for Christmas)
Not quite as Lovecraftian as some would like, but it’s a close as I can get.
I made the base from Acrylic Sheet. (More on this method to come…)