Hazard Stripes are a requirement to complete the look of an Iron Warriors Army. They are surprisingly easy to do, and they look great everywhere, especially on chain swords, power fists, and bolters. This technique takes a carful hand so take your time.
Here’s what you‘ll need:
- Chaos Black, Vomit Brown, Golden Yellow, Sunburst Yellow, Skull White paints (GW)
- Fine Detail Brush

Step I: Paint the area you want the stripes to be black. Next paint on several diagonal stripes in Vomit Brown. Keep the lines as straight as possible. If you mess up, just clean it up with black.
Step II: Using Golden Yellow, paint a highlight stripe onto the Vomit Brown stripe but don’t cover it up all up.
Step III: Now using Sunburst Yellow, paint another highlight stripe on top of your Golden Yellow.
Step IV: Using Skull White, paint a fine line at the very edge of the hazard stripe bar on the Sunburst Yellow highlight you did in step 3.
Step V: Now using Codex Grey, paint a fine line on your black stripes. That’s it!
No way, you’re still painting??? Wow. You know this is the first tutorial I EVER READ for painting warhammer minis, and I read this right about what must when you first published it.
I should say thanks for the tutorial, even if I’m a little late!
Iron within!
Iron Without!
Yeah I’m still at it! I hope the tutorial was useful. It was the first I did. I really should go back to my Iron Warriors. I could do some cool crap with that scheme now…
Shawn G. (SoI)