New Army Time!

The release of Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition is coming up fast! I didn’t want to get excited but it happened anyway.
I decided to give my Demons of Chaos and Vampire Counts armies a rest for the moment and start a paint project that’s been rolling around in my head for years. A Slaanesh themed Warriors of Chaos army!

Here’s the root of what I’m thinking about fielding:

Exalted Hero
Mark of Slaanesh, Battle Standard Bearer, Collar of Khorne, Shield

Marauder Horsemen x10
Mark of Slaanesh, flails, javelins, light armor, standard & musician
Marauder Horsemen x10
Mark of Slaanesh, flails, javelins, light armor, standard & musician
Chaos Hounds x5
Chaos Hounds x5
Chaos Trolls x5 (Throgg’s unit)
Chaos Trolls x6

Chaos Chariot x2
Dragon Ogres x4
Extra hand weapons

I have about 650 leftover points but I’m not sure what I want to play with. I’ll figure it out I guess.